
value.hpp #

value.hpp defines basic_value.

toml::basic_value #

basic_value is a class that stores TOML values.

namespace toml
template <class TypeConfig>
class basic_value;

// Defined in types.hpp
// using value = basic_value<type_config>;
// using table = typename basic_value<type_config>::table_type;
// using array = typename basic_value<type_config>::array_type;

template<typename TC>
bool operator==(const basic_value<TC>&, const basic_value<TC>&);
template<typename TC>
bool operator!=(const basic_value<TC>&, const basic_value<TC>&);
template<typename TC>
bool operator< (const basic_value<TC>&, const basic_value<TC>&);
template<typename TC>
bool operator<=(const basic_value<TC>&, const basic_value<TC>&);
template<typename TC>
bool operator> (const basic_value<TC>&, const basic_value<TC>&);
template<typename TC>
bool operator>=(const basic_value<TC>&, const basic_value<TC>&);
} //toml

Member Types #

The following member types are defined.

You can modify the member types using TypeConfig.

See also: types.hpp

char_typetypename TypeConfig::char_type
key_typetypename TypeConfig::string_type
boolean_typetypename TypeConfig::boolean_type
integer_typetypename TypeConfig::integer_type
floating_typetypename TypeConfig::floating_type
string_typetypename TypeConfig::string_type
array_typetypename TypeConfig::template array_type<value_type>
table_typetypename TypeConfig::template table_type<key_type, value_type>
comment_typetypename TypeConfig::comment_type

Member Functions #

Default Constructor #

basic_value() noexcept

Constructs an empty toml::value.

The constructed toml::value will be empty.

Copy and Move Constructors #

basic_value(const basic_value& v)
basic_value(basic_value&& v)

Copies or moves all information including values, format information, comments, and file regions.

Copy and Move Constructors with Comments #

basic_value(basic_value v, std::vector<std::string> com)

Copies or moves the object while overwriting comments.

Conversion Constructors #

template<typename TI>
basic_value(basic_value<TI> other)
template<typename TI>
basic_value(basic_value<TI> other, std::vector<std::string> com)

Copies or moves from a basic_value with a different type_config.

Constructor (boolean) #

basic_value(boolean_type x)
basic_value(boolean_type x, boolean_format_info fmt)
basic_value(boolean_type x, std::vector<std::string> com)
basic_value(boolean_type x, boolean_format_info fmt, std::vector<std::string> com)

Constructs an object with a bool, its format information, and comments.

Constructor (integer) #

template<typename T, /* std::is_integral<T> is true */>
basic_value(T x)
template<typename T, /* std::is_integral<T> is true */>
basic_value(T x, integer_format_info fmt)
template<typename T, /* std::is_integral<T> is true */>
basic_value(T x, std::vector<std::string> com)
template<typename T, /* std::is_integral<T> is true */>
basic_value(T x, integer_format_info fmt, std::vector<std::string> com)

Constructs an object with an integer, its format information, and comments.

Constructor (floating) #

template<typename T, /* std::is_floating_point<T> is true */>
basic_value(T x)
template<typename T, /* std::is_floating_point<T> is true */>
basic_value(T x, floating_format_info fmt)
template<typename T, /* std::is_floating_point<T> is true */>
basic_value(T x, std::vector<std::string> com)
template<typename T, /* std::is_floating_point<T> is true */>
basic_value(T x, floating_format_info fmt, std::vector<std::string> com)

Constructs an object with a floating point number, its format information, and comments.

Constructor (string) #

basic_value(string_type x)
basic_value(string_type x, string_format_info fmt)
basic_value(string_type x, std::vector<std::string> com)
basic_value(string_type x, string_format_info fmt, std::vector<std::string> com)

basic_value(const string_type::value_type* x)
basic_value(const string_type::value_type* x, string_format_info fmt)
basic_value(const string_type::value_type* x, std::vector<std::string> com)
basic_value(const string_type::value_type* x, string_format_info fmt, std::vector<std::string> com)

// C++17以降
basic_value(string_view_type x)
basic_value(string_view_type x, string_format_info fmt)
basic_value(string_view_type x, std::vector<std::string> com)
basic_value(string_view_type x, string_format_info fmt, std::vector<std::string> com)

Constructs an object with a string, its format information, and comments.

string_view_type shares the same value_type and traits_type as string_type.

Constructor (local_date) #

basic_value(local_date_type x)
basic_value(local_date_type x, local_date_format_info fmt)
basic_value(local_date_type x, std::vector<std::string> com)
basic_value(local_date_type x, local_date_format_info fmt, std::vector<std::string> com)

Constructs an object with a local_date_type, its format information, and comments.

Constructor (local_time) #

basic_value(local_time_type x)
basic_value(local_time_type x, local_time_format_info fmt)
basic_value(local_time_type x, std::vector<std::string> com)
basic_value(local_time_type x, local_time_format_info fmt, std::vector<std::string> com)

template<typename Rep, typename Period>
basic_value(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& x)
template<typename Rep, typename Period>
basic_value(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& x, local_time_format_info fmt)
template<typename Rep, typename Period>
basic_value(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& x, std::vector<std::string> com)
template<typename Rep, typename Period>
basic_value(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& x, local_time_format_info fmt, std::vector<std::string> com)

Constructs an object with a local_time_type, its format information, and comments.

For std::chrono::duration, constructs as a time span from 00:00:00.

Constructor (local_datetime) #

basic_value(local_datetime_type x)
basic_value(local_datetime_type x, local_date_format_info fmt)
basic_value(local_datetime_type x, std::vector<std::string> com)
basic_value(local_datetime_type x, local_date_format_info fmt, std::vector<std::string> com)

Constructs an object with a local_datetime_type, its format information, and comments.

Constructor (offset_datetime) #

basic_value(offset_datetime_type x)
basic_value(offset_datetime_type x, offset_date_format_info fmt)
basic_value(offset_datetime_type x, std::vector<std::string> com)
basic_value(offset_datetime_type x, offset_date_format_info fmt, std::vector<std::string> com)

basic_value(std::chrono::system_clock::time_point x)
basic_value(std::chrono::system_clock::time_point x, offset_date_format_info fmt)
basic_value(std::chrono::system_clock::time_point x, std::vector<std::string> com)
basic_value(std::chrono::system_clock::time_point x, offset_date_format_info fmt, std::vector<std::string> com)

Constructs an object with an offset_datetime_type, its format information, and comments.

For std::chrono::system_clock::time_point, constructs for the pointed time.

Constructor (array) #

basic_value(array_type x)
basic_value(array_type x, integer_format_info fmt)
basic_value(array_type x, std::vector<std::string> com)
basic_value(array_type x, integer_format_info fmt, std::vector<std::string> com)

template<typename T, /* T is array-like */>
basic_value(T x)
template<typename T, /* T is array-like */>
basic_value(T x, array_format_info fmt)
template<typename T, /* T is array-like */>
basic_value(T x, std::vector<std::string> com)
template<typename T, /* T is array-like */>
basic_value(T x, array_format_info fmt, std::vector<std::string> com)

Constructs an object with an array, its format information, and comments.

array-like types must meet the following criteria:

  • Has T::iterator.
  • Has T::value_type.
  • Does not have T::key_type.
  • Does not have T::mapped_type.
  • Is not std::string.
  • Is not std::string_view (since C++17).

Constructor (table) #

basic_value(table_type x)
basic_value(table_type x, integer_format_info fmt)
basic_value(table_type x, std::vector<std::string> com)
basic_value(table_type x, integer_format_info fmt, std::vector<std::string> com)

template<typename T, /* T is table-like */>
basic_value(T x)
template<typename T, /* T is table-like */>
basic_value(T x, table_format_info fmt)
template<typename T, /* T is table-like */>
basic_value(T x, std::vector<std::string> com)
template<typename T, /* T is table-like */>
basic_value(T x, table_format_info fmt, std::vector<std::string> com)

Constructs an object with a table, its format information, and comments.

table-like types must meet the following criteria:

  • Has T::iterator.
  • Has T::value_type.
  • Has T::key_type.
  • Has T::mapped_type.

Constructor (user-defined) #

template<typename T /* toml::into<T> is defined */>
basic_value(const T& ud);

template<typename T /* toml::into<T> is defined */>
basic_value(const T& ud, std::vector<std::string> com);

template<typename T /* toml::into<T> is not defined, but T{}.into_toml() exists */>
basic_value(const T& ud);

template<typename T /* toml::into<T> is not defined, but T{}.into_toml() exists */>
basic_value(const T& ud, std::vector<std::string> com);

If toml::into<T> is defined, constructs from the result of toml::into<T>(ud).

If toml::into<T> is not defined but T has a into_toml() member function, constructs from the result of ud.into_toml().

operator=(basic_value) #

basic_value& operator=(const basic_value& v)
basic_value& operator=(basic_value&& v)
template<typename TI>
basic_value& operator=(basic_value<TI> other)

Assigns the right-hand side basic_value to the current object.

operator=(T) #

template<typename T>
basic_value& operator=(T x)

Assigns a value corresponding to T.

The contents pointed to by source_location are discarded.

If the object already holds a value of the same type, the original format information is retained.

is<T>() #

bool is<T>() const noexcept

Requirements #

T must be an exact TOML type, meaning it corresponds to one of the toml::value::xxx_type.

Return Value #

Returns true if the stored type matches T, otherwise returns false.

is(toml::value_t) #

bool is(toml::value_t t) const noexcept

Return Value #

Returns true if the tag of the stored type matches t, otherwise returns false.

is_xxx() #

bool is_boolean()         const noexcept;
bool is_integer()         const noexcept;
bool is_floating()        const noexcept;
bool is_string()          const noexcept;
bool is_offset_datetime() const noexcept;
bool is_local_datetime()  const noexcept;
bool is_local_date()      const noexcept;
bool is_local_time()      const noexcept;
bool is_array()           const noexcept;
bool is_table()           const noexcept;

Return Value #

Returns true if the stored type matches the corresponding type, otherwise returns false.

is_empty() #

bool is_empty()   const noexcept;

Return Value #

Returns true if the object is default constructed and no value is assigned, otherwise returns false.

is_array_of_tables() #

bool is_array_of_tables() const noexcept;

Return Value #

Returns true if the stored type is an array that is not empty and all elements are tables, otherwise returns false.

type() #

toml::value_t type() const noexcept

Return Value #

Returns the tag corresponding to the stored type.

as_xxx() #

boolean_type         const& as_boolean        () const;
integer_type         const& as_integer        () const;
floating_type        const& as_floating       () const;
string_type          const& as_string         () const;
offset_datetime_type const& as_offset_datetime() const;
local_datetime_type  const& as_local_datetime () const;
local_date_type      const& as_local_date     () const;
local_time_type      const& as_local_time     () const;
array_type           const& as_array          () const;
table_type           const& as_table          () const;

boolean_type        & as_boolean        ();
integer_type        & as_integer        ();
floating_type       & as_floating       ();
string_type         & as_string         ();
offset_datetime_type& as_offset_datetime();
local_datetime_type & as_local_datetime ();
local_date_type     & as_local_date     ();
local_time_type     & as_local_time     ();
array_type          & as_array          ();
table_type          & as_table          ();

Return Value #

Returns a reference to the value of the specified type.

Exception #

Throws toml::type_error if the stored value’s type does not match the specified type.

as_xxx(std::nothrow) #

Invoke with a std::nothrow object.

boolean_type         const& as_boolean        (const std::nothrow_t&) const noexcept;
integer_type         const& as_integer        (const std::nothrow_t&) const noexcept;
floating_type        const& as_floating       (const std::nothrow_t&) const noexcept;
string_type          const& as_string         (const std::nothrow_t&) const noexcept;
offset_datetime_type const& as_offset_datetime(const std::nothrow_t&) const noexcept;
local_datetime_type  const& as_local_datetime (const std::nothrow_t&) const noexcept;
local_date_type      const& as_local_date     (const std::nothrow_t&) const noexcept;
local_time_type      const& as_local_time     (const std::nothrow_t&) const noexcept;
array_type           const& as_array          (const std::nothrow_t&) const noexcept;
table_type           const& as_table          (const std::nothrow_t&) const noexcept;

boolean_type        & as_boolean        (const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept;
integer_type        & as_integer        (const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept;
floating_type       & as_floating       (const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept;
string_type         & as_string         (const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept;
offset_datetime_type& as_offset_datetime(const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept;
local_datetime_type & as_local_datetime (const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept;
local_date_type     & as_local_date     (const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept;
local_time_type     & as_local_time     (const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept;
array_type          & as_array          (const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept;
table_type          & as_table          (const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept;

Return Value #

Returns a reference to the value of the specified type.

Note #

If the type of the stored value does not match the specified type, the behavior is undefined.

as_xxx_fmt() #

Accesses format information.

boolean_format_info        & as_boolean_fmt        ();
integer_format_info        & as_integer_fmt        ();
floating_format_info       & as_floating_fmt       ();
string_format_info         & as_string_fmt         ();
offset_datetime_format_info& as_offset_datetime_fmt();
local_datetime_format_info & as_local_datetime_fmt ();
local_date_format_info     & as_local_date_fmt     ();
local_time_format_info     & as_local_time_fmt     ();
array_format_info          & as_array_fmt          ();
table_format_info          & as_table_fmt          ();

boolean_format_info         const& as_boolean_fmt        () const;
integer_format_info         const& as_integer_fmt        () const;
floating_format_info        const& as_floating_fmt       () const;
string_format_info          const& as_string_fmt         () const;
offset_datetime_format_info const& as_offset_datetime_fmt() const;
local_datetime_format_info  const& as_local_datetime_fmt () const;
local_date_format_info      const& as_local_date_fmt     () const;
local_time_format_info      const& as_local_time_fmt     () const;
array_format_info           const& as_array_fmt          () const;
table_format_info           const& as_table_fmt          () const;

Return Value #

Returns a reference to the structure holding the format information for the specified type.

Exception #

Throws toml::type_error if the stored value’s type does not match the specified type.

as_xxx_fmt(std::nothrow) #

Invoke with a std::nothrow object.

boolean_format_info        & as_boolean_fmt        (const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept;
integer_format_info        & as_integer_fmt        (const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept;
floating_format_info       & as_floating_fmt       (const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept;
string_format_info         & as_string_fmt         (const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept;
offset_datetime_format_info& as_offset_datetime_fmt(const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept;
local_datetime_format_info & as_local_datetime_fmt (const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept;
local_date_format_info     & as_local_date_fmt     (const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept;
local_time_format_info     & as_local_time_fmt     (const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept;
array_format_info          & as_array_fmt          (const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept;
table_format_info          & as_table_fmt          (const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept;

boolean_format_info         const& as_boolean_fmt        (const std::nothrow_t&) const noexcept;
integer_format_info         const& as_integer_fmt        (const std::nothrow_t&) const noexcept;
floating_format_info        const& as_floating_fmt       (const std::nothrow_t&) const noexcept;
string_format_info          const& as_string_fmt         (const std::nothrow_t&) const noexcept;
offset_datetime_format_info const& as_offset_datetime_fmt(const std::nothrow_t&) const noexcept;
local_datetime_format_info  const& as_local_datetime_fmt (const std::nothrow_t&) const noexcept;
local_date_format_info      const& as_local_date_fmt     (const std::nothrow_t&) const noexcept;
local_time_format_info      const& as_local_time_fmt     (const std::nothrow_t&) const noexcept;
array_format_info           const& as_array_fmt          (const std::nothrow_t&) const noexcept;
table_format_info           const& as_table_fmt          (const std::nothrow_t&) const noexcept;

Return Value #

Returns a reference to the structure holding the format information for the specified type.

Note #

If the type of the stored value does not match the specified type, the behavior is undefined.

at(key) #

value_type&       at(const key_type& key);
value_type const& at(const key_type& key) const;

Return Value #

Casts the current value to a table and returns the element specified by key.

Exception #

Throws toml::type_error if the stored value is not a table.

Throws std::out_of_range if the table does not contain the specified element.

operator[](key) #

value_type& operator[](const key_type& k);
Return Value #

Casts the current value to a table and returns a reference to the element specified by key.

If the element specified by key does not exist, it is default-constructed.

Exception #

Throws toml::type_error if the stored value is not a table.

count(key) #

std::size_t count(const key_type& key) const;

Return Value #

Casts the current value to a table and returns 1 if the element corresponding to key is present, otherwise returns 0.

Exception #

Throws toml::type_error if the stored value is not a table.

contains(key) #

bool contains(const key_type& key) const;

Return Value #

Casts the current value to a table and returns true if the element corresponding to key is present, otherwise returns false.

Exception #

Throws toml::type_error if the stored value is not a table.

at(idx) #

value_type&       at(const std::size_t idx);
value_type const& at(const std::size_t idx) const;

Return Value #

Casts the current value to an array and returns the element specified by idx.

Exception #

Throws toml::type_error if the stored value is not an array.

Throws std::out_of_range if the specified element does not exist in the array.

operator[](idx) #

value_type&       operator[](const std::size_t idx)       noexcept;
value_type const& operator[](const std::size_t idx) const noexcept;

Return Value #

Casts the current value to an array and returns a reference to the element specified by idx.

Note #

Performs no checks. Behavior is undefined if the stored value is not an array or if the specified element does not exist.

push_back(value) #

void push_back(const value_type& x);
void push_back(value_type&& x);

Casts the current value to an array and performs push_back on the array.

Return Value #


Exception #

Throws toml::type_error if the stored value is not an array.

emplace_back(args...) #

template<typename ... Ts>
value_type& emplace_back(Ts&& ... args)

Casts the current value to an array and performs emplace_back on the array.

Return Value #

A reference to the constructed value.

Exception #

Throws toml::type_error if the stored value is not an array.

size() #

std::size_t size() const;

Return Value #

Casts the current value to an array, string, or table and returns the number of elements. For a string, it returns the number of characters.

Exception #

Throws toml::type_error if the stored value is not an array, string, or table.

location() #

source_location location() const;

Return Value #

Returns a source_location object representing the position within the TOML document where the value is defined.

If the value was not constructed by parsing a TOML document, returns a source_location that points to nowhere.

comments() #

comment_type const& comments() const noexcept;
comment_type&       comments()       noexcept;

Return Value #

Returns a reference to the comment container.

accessed() #

bool accessed() const;

Return Value #

Returns true only if the value has been accessed via as_xxx or is_xxx. Otherwise, it returns false.

Remarks #

It exists only when TOML11_ENABLE_ACCESS_CHECK is defined.

Non-Member Functions #

operator== #

template<typename TC>
bool operator==(const basic_value<TC>&, const basic_value<TC>&);

Two basic_value<T> instances are considered equal if they satisfy the following conditions:

  • The contained type is the same.
  • The contained values are identical.
  • The comments are identical at the byte level.

operator!= #

template<typename TC>
bool operator!=(const basic_value<TC>& lhs, const basic_value<TC>& rhs)
    return !(lhs == rhs);

operator< #

Defined only if array_type and table_type have operator<.

template<typename TC>
bool operator<(const basic_value<TC>&, const basic_value<TC>&);

Comparison order:

  1. TOML type
  2. If TOML types are the same, their values
  3. If both the TOML types and values are the same, the comments

TOML types have the following order (from smallest to largest):

  1. toml::value_t::empty
  2. toml::value_t::boolean
  3. toml::value_t::integer
  4. toml::value_t::floating
  5. toml::value_t::string
  6. toml::value_t::offset_datetime
  7. toml::value_t::local_datetime
  8. toml::value_t::local_date
  9. toml::value_t::local_time
  10. toml::value_t::array
  11. toml::value_t::table

operator<= #

Defined only if array_type and table_type have operator<.

template<typename TC>
bool operator<=(const basic_value<TC>& lhs, const basic_value<TC>& rhs)
    return (lhs < rhs) || (lhs == rhs);

operator> #

Defined only if array_type and table_type have operator<.

template<typename TC>
bool operator>(const basic_value<TC>& lhs, const basic_value<TC>& rhs)
    return !(lhs <= rhs);

operator>= #

Defined only if array_type and table_type have operator<.

template<typename TC>
bool operator>=(const basic_value<TC>& lhs, const basic_value<TC>& rhs)
    return !(lhs < rhs);

toml::type_error #

Exception thrown in case of a type error.

Contains the location information of the value that caused the type error.

struct type_error final : public ::toml::exception
    type_error(std::string what_arg, source_location loc);
    ~type_error() noexcept override = default;

    const char* what() const noexcept override;

    source_location const& location() const noexcept;

toml::make_error_info #

template<typename TC, typename ... Ts>
error_info make_error_info(
    std::string title, const basic_value<TC>& v, std::string msg, Ts&& ... tail);

Calls location() on a basic_value, passes the resulting source_location to make_error_info to create an error_info.

Refer to error_info for more details.

toml::format_error #

template<typename TC, typename ... Ts>
std::string format_error(std::string title,
                         const basic_value<TC>& v, std::string msg, Ts&& ... tail);

Calls location() on a basic_value, passes the resulting source_location to format_error to create an error_info, then converts it to a string and returns it.

Refer to error_info for more details.

Related #