
types.hpp #

This document defines classes that specifies type information.

type_config #

type_config is a type that encapsulates parameters given to toml::basic_value.

When using different types within toml::basic_value<T>, you need to define and pass this type separately. All elements listed are required.

If you use numerical types that cannot use standard stream operators, define and replace the equivalents for read_int and read_float.

namespace toml
struct type_config
    using comment_type  = preserve_comments;

    using boolean_type  = bool;
    using integer_type  = std::int64_t;
    using floating_type = double;
    using string_type   = std::string;

    template<typename T>
    using array_type = std::vector<T>;
    template<typename K, typename T>
    using table_type = std::unordered_map<K, T>;

    static result<integer_type, error_info>
    parse_int(const std::string& str, const source_location src, const std::uint8_t base);

    static result<floating_type, error_info>
    parse_float(const std::string& str, const source_location src, const bool is_hex);

using value = basic_value<type_config>;
using table = typename value::table_type;
using array = typename value::array_type;

} // toml

static Member Functions #

parse_int(str, src, base) #

static result<integer_type, error_info>
parse_int(const std::string& str, const source_location src, const std::uint8_t base);

If you use a type as integer_type that cannot utilize standard stream operators, implement this function. Otherwise, use read_int described later.

The str parameter receives a string with prefixes, leading zeros, and underscores removed.

The src parameter receives a source_location pointing to where the string was defined.

The base parameter receives one of 10, 2, 8, or 16.

parse_float(str, src, is_hex) #

static result<floating_type, error_info>
parse_float(const std::string& str, const source_location src, const bool is_hex);

If you use a type as floating_type that cannot utilize standard stream operators, implement this function. Otherwise, use read_float described later.

The str parameter receives a string with prefixes, leading zeros, and underscores removed.

The src parameter receives a source_location pointing to where the string was defined.

The is_hex parameter indicates whether the format is hexfloat. If you don’t use the hexfloat extension, you don’t need to implement this.

For details on the hexfloat extension, refer to spec.hpp.

Non-member Functions #

read_int #

template<typename T>
result<T, error_info>
read_int(const std::string& str, const source_location src, const std::uint8_t base);

This is the default function used. It parses using std::istringstream.

If operator>> and manipulators like std::hex, and std::numeric_limits<T> are defined (such as for boost::multiprecision), you can use this without modifications.

read_float #

template<typename T>
result<T, error_info>
read_float(const std::string& str, const source_location src, const bool is_hex);

This is the default function used. It parses decimals using std::istringstream and hexfloats using sscanf().

It supports double and float.

For other types, if operator>> is defined and hex is not used, you can use this function.

ordered_type_config #

ordered_type_config is a variation of toml::type_config where the table type is replaced with toml::ordered_map. Additionally, it defines the toml::ordered_value alias.

Other than these changes, it is identical to type_config.

namespace toml
struct ordered_type_config
    using comment_type  = preserve_comments;

    using boolean_type  = bool;
    using integer_type  = std::int64_t;
    using floating_type = double;
    using string_type   = std::string;

    template<typename T>
    using array_type = std::vector<T>;
    template<typename K, typename T>
    using table_type = ordered_map<K, T>;

    static result<integer_type, error_info>
    parse_int(const std::string& str, const source_location src, const std::uint8_t base)
        return read_int<integer_type>(str, src, base);
    static result<floating_type, error_info>
    parse_float(const std::string& str, const source_location src, const bool is_hex)
        return read_float<floating_type>(str, src, is_hex);

using ordered_value = basic_value<ordered_type_config>;
using ordered_table = typename ordered_value::table_type;
using ordered_array = typename ordered_value::array_type;

} // toml