
source_location.hpp #

source_location.hpp defines a class representing a specific area within a TOML file.

This class is used to represent problematic areas in error messages.

toml::source_location #

source_location is a class representing a specific area within a TOML file.

namespace toml
struct source_location

    explicit source_location(/* implementation-defined */);
    ~source_location() = default;
    source_location(source_location const&) = default;
    source_location(source_location &&)     = default;
    source_location& operator=(source_location const&) = default;
    source_location& operator=(source_location &&)     = default;

    bool        is_ok()  const noexcept;
    std::size_t length() const noexcept;

    std::size_t first_line_number()   const noexcept;
    std::size_t first_column_number() const noexcept;
    std::size_t last_line_number()    const noexcept;
    std::size_t last_column_number()  const noexcept;

    std::string const& file_name()    const noexcept;

    std::size_t num_lines()           const noexcept;

    std::string const& first_line() const;
    std::string const& last_line()  const;

    std::vector<std::string> const& lines() const noexcept;

template<typename ... Ts>
std::string format_location(const source_location& loc, const std::string& msg, const Ts& ... locs_and_msgs);
} //toml

Member Functions #

Constructor #

explicit source_location(/* implementation-defined */);

toml::source_location can only be constructed via toml::parse or the _toml literal.

is_ok() #

bool is_ok() const noexcept;

Returns true if the source_location holds a valid value, false otherwise.

The result of location() from toml::value constructed outside of toml::parse or _toml literals returns false for is_ok as it points to nothing.

length() #

std::size_t length() const noexcept;

Returns the length of the area pointed to by the source_location.

Returns 0 if it does not hold a valid value.

first_line_number() #

std::size_t first_line_number() const noexcept;

Returns the line number of the first line of the area pointed to by the source_location.

Returns 1 if it does not hold a valid value.

first_column_number() #

std::size_t first_column_number() const noexcept;

Returns the column number of the first column of the area pointed to by the source_location.

Returns 1 if it does not hold a valid value.

last_line_number() #

std::size_t last_line_number() const noexcept;

Returns the line number of the last line of the area pointed to by the source_location.

Returns 1 if it does not hold a valid value.

last_column_number() #

std::size_t last_column_number() const noexcept;

Returns the column number of the last column of the area pointed to by the source_location.

Returns 1 if it does not hold a valid value.

file_name() #

std::string const& file_name() const noexcept;

Returns the file name containing the area pointed to by the source_location.

Returns "unknown file" if it does not hold a valid value.

num_lines() #

std::size_t num_lines() const noexcept;

Returns the number of lines in the area pointed to by the source_location.

Returns 0 if it does not hold a valid value.

first_line() #

std::string const& first_line() const;

Returns the first line of the area pointed to by the source_location.

Throws std::out_of_range if it does not hold a valid value.

last_line() #

std::string const& last_line() const;

Returns the last line of the area pointed to by the source_location.

Throws std::out_of_range if it does not hold a valid value.

lines() #

std::vector<std::string> const& lines() const noexcept;

Returns all lines in the area pointed to by the source_location.

Returns a reference to an empty std::vector if it does not hold a valid value.

Non-Member Functions #

format_location #

template<typename ... Ts>
std::string format_location(const source_location& loc, const std::string& msg,
                            const Ts& ... locs_and_msgs);

Formats the specified source_location and its associated message as follows:

 -> {filename.toml}
 1 | a = 42
   |     ^-- {message}

If colorization is enabled, ANSI escape sequences will be added for coloring.

When multiple locs_and_msgs are provided, they must be in the order of const source_location& followed by const std::string&, and the next pair in the same order, and so on.

Example: Multiple source_location and std::string #

When multiple source_location and std::string pairs are provided, they are formatted as follows:

source_location& loc0;
source_location& loc1;
source_location& loc2;

std::string msg0;
std::string msg1;
std::string msg2;

format_location(loc0, msg0,
                loc1, msg1,
                loc2, msg2);
 -> {filename0.toml}
 1 | a = 42
   |     ^-- {message0}
 -> {filename1.toml}
 2 | b = 3.14
   |     ^-- {message1}
 -> {filename2.toml}
 3 | c = "foo"
   |     ^-- {message2}

Related #