
serializer.hpp #

format #

Serializes the data.

namespace toml
template<typename TC>
std::string format(const basic_value<TC>& v,
                   const spec s = spec::default_version());
template<typename TC>
std::string format(const typename basic_value<TC>::key_type& k,
                   const basic_value<TC>& v,
                   const spec s = spec::default_version());
template<typename TC>
std::string format(const std::vector<typename basic_value<TC>::key_type>& ks,
                   const basic_value<TC>& v,
                   const spec s = spec::default_version());

If there’s a conflict between the format information and the spec, for example, when using v1.0.0 with table_format::multiline_oneline, the spec takes precedence.

format(v, spec) #

Formats a toml::value according to its format information and the provided spec.

If it’s a table_type, it’s formatted as if it were the root table. Otherwise, only the value is formatted.

format(k, v, spec) #

Formats a toml::value along with the given key.

v is interpreted as being defined under that key.

format([k,...], v, spec) #

v is interpreted as being defined under those keys. If multiple keys are provided, it’s interpreted as a recursively defined table.

serialization_error #

Reports errors that occurred during serialization.

namespace toml
struct serialization_error final : public ::toml::exception
    explicit serialization_error(std::string what_arg, source_location loc);
    ~serialization_error() noexcept override = default;

    const char* what() const noexcept override;
    source_location const& location() const noexcept;