
format.hpp #

Defines structures and enumerations related to formatting information for toml::value.

indent_char #

An enumeration representing the indentation character choice.

enum class indent_char : std::uint8_t
    space, // use space
    tab,   // use tab
    none   // no indent
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const indent_char& c);
std::string to_string(const indent_char);

Choosing none means no indentation is used, regardless of the value in super tables.

If both space and tab are specified within the serializable value, the behavior is unspecified; typically, the unspecified indentation character appears.

boolean_format_info #

Formatting information for boolean.

struct boolean_format_info {};

bool operator==(const boolean_format_info&, const boolean_format_info&) noexcept;
bool operator!=(const boolean_format_info&, const boolean_format_info&) noexcept;

There is only one way to format boolean, so no configurable values are provided.

integer_format #

enum class integer_format : std::uint8_t
    dec = 0,
    bin = 1,
    oct = 2,
    hex = 3,
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const integer_format f);
std::string to_string(const integer_format);

Specifies the radix of an integer.

integer_format_info #

struct integer_format_info
    integer_format fmt    = integer_format::dec;
    bool        uppercase = true; // use uppercase letters
    std::size_t width     = 0;  // minimal width (may exceed)
    std::size_t spacer    = 0;  // position of `_` (if 0, no spacer)
    std::string suffix    = ""; // _suffix (library extension)

bool operator==(const integer_format_info&, const integer_format_info&) noexcept;
bool operator!=(const integer_format_info&, const integer_format_info&) noexcept;

Member Variables #

integer_format fmt #

Specifies the radix.

bool uppercase #

Uses uppercase letters when formatted as a hexadecimal integer.

std::size_t width #

Specifies the minimum width. The formatted value may exceed this width.

For values smaller than this width, if integer_format::dec, no effect. Otherwise, leading zeros are added.

std::size_t spacer #

Specifies the width at which underscores _ are inserted.

  • If 3, formatted as 1_234_567.
  • If 4, formatted as 0xdead_beef.
  • If 0, no underscores are inserted.

Irregular widths are not allowed.

std::string suffix #

Stores the suffix when spec::ext_num_suffix of toml11 extension is true.

cf. spec.hpp

floating_format #

enum class floating_format : std::uint8_t
    defaultfloat = 0,
    fixed        = 1, // does not include exponential part
    scientific   = 2, // always include exponential part
    hex          = 3  // hexfloat extension
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const floating_format f);
std::string to_string(const floating_format);

Specifies the formatting style for floating numbers. Corresponds to std::defaultfloat, std::fixed, std::scientific, std::hexfloat.

hexfloat is available only if toml::spec::ext_hex_float is true.

cf. spec.hpp

floating_format_info #

struct floating_format_info
    floating_format fmt = floating_format::defaultfloat;
    std::size_t prec  = 0;        // precision (if 0, use the default)
    std::string suffix = "";      // 1.0e+2_suffix (library extension)

bool operator==(const floating_format_info&, const floating_format_info&) noexcept;
bool operator!=(const floating_format_info&, const floating_format_info&) noexcept;

Member Variables #

floating_format fmt #

Specifies the formatting style.

std::size_t prec #

Specifies the precision after the decimal point.

std::string suffix #

Stores the suffix when spec::ext_num_suffix of toml11 extension is true.

cf. spec.hpp

string_format #

enum class string_format : std::uint8_t
    basic             = 0,
    literal           = 1,
    multiline_basic   = 2,
    multiline_literal = 3
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const string_format f);
std::string to_string(const string_format);

Specifies the formatting style for strings.

string_format_info #

struct string_format_info
    string_format fmt = string_format::basic;
    bool start_with_newline    = false;

bool operator==(const string_format_info&, const string_format_info&) noexcept;
bool operator!=(const string_format_info&, const string_format_info&) noexcept;

Member Variables #

string_format fmt #

Specifies the formatting information for strings.

bool start_with_newline #

For multiline_basic or multiline_literal, specifies whether to include a newline after the initial """ or '''.

datetime_delimiter_kind #

enum class datetime_delimiter_kind : std::uint8_t
    upper_T = 0,
    lower_t = 1,
    space   = 2,
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const datetime_delimiter_kind d);
std::string to_string(const datetime_delimiter_kind);

Specifies the delimiter used between date and time in datetime.

Possible options include T, t, and a space .

offset_datetime_format_info #

struct offset_datetime_format_info
    datetime_delimiter_kind delimiter = datetime_delimiter_kind::upper_T;
    bool has_seconds = true;
    std::size_t subsecond_precision = 6; // [us]

bool operator==(const offset_datetime_format_info&, const offset_datetime_format_info&) noexcept;
bool operator!=(const offset_datetime_format_info&, const offset_datetime_format_info&) noexcept;

Member Variables #

datetime_delimiter_kind delimiter #

Specifies the delimiter to use.

bool has_seconds #

Specifies whether to omit seconds.

std::size_t subsecond_precision #

Specifies how many digits to output for subseconds.

local_datetime_format_info #

struct local_datetime_format_info
    datetime_delimiter_kind delimiter = datetime_delimiter_kind::upper_T;
    bool has_seconds = true;
    std::size_t subsecond_precision = 6; // [us]

bool operator==(const local_datetime_format_info&, const local_datetime_format_info&) noexcept;
bool operator!=(const local_datetime_format_info&, const local_datetime_format_info&) noexcept;

Member Variables #

datetime_delimiter_kind delimiter #

Specifies the delimiter to use.

bool has_seconds #

Specifies whether to omit seconds.

std::size_t subsecond_precision #

Specifies how many digits to output for subseconds.

local_date_format_info #

struct local_date_format_info
    // nothing, for now

bool operator==(const local_date_format_info&, const local_date_format_info&) noexcept;
bool operator!=(const local_date_format_info&, const local_date_format_info&) noexcept;

No formatting parameters are specified for local_date.

local_time_format_info #

struct local_time_format_info
    bool has_seconds = true;
    std::size_t subsecond_precision = 6; // [us]

bool operator==(const local_time_format_info&, const local_time_format_info&) noexcept;
bool operator!=(const local_time_format_info&, const local_time_format_info&) noexcept;

Member Variables #

bool has_seconds #

Specifies whether to omit seconds.

std::size_t subsecond_precision #

Specifies how many digits to output for subseconds.

array_format #

enum class array_format : std::uint8_t
    default_format  = 0,
    oneline         = 1,
    multiline       = 2,
    array_of_tables = 3 // [[]]

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const array_format f);
std::string to_string(const array_format);
  • default_format
    • Automatically selects the appropriate format. Longer arrays may span multiple lines.
  • oneline
    • Formats all elements in a single line.
  • multiline
    • Outputs each element on its own line.
  • array_of_tables
    • Formats in the [[array.of.tables]] style. Cannot contain elements other than table.

array_format_info #

struct array_format_info
    array_format fmt            = array_format::default_format;
    indent_char  indent_type    = indent_char::space;
    std::int32_t body_indent    = 4; // indent in case of multiline
    std::int32_t closing_indent = 0; // indent of `]`

bool operator==(const array_format_info&, const array_format_info&) noexcept;
bool operator!=(const array_format_info&, const array_format_info&) noexcept;

Member Variables #

array_format fmt #

Specifies the format style.

indent_char indent_type #

Selects the type of character used for indentation.

std::int32_t body_indent #

Specifies the number of characters to indent before each element in array_format::multiline.

std::int32_t closing_indent #

Specifies the number of characters to indent before the closing bracket ] in array_format::multiline.

table_format #

enum class table_format : std::uint8_t
    multiline         = 0, // [foo] \n bar = "baz"
    oneline           = 1, // foo = {bar = "baz"}
    dotted            = 2, // = "baz"
    multiline_oneline = 3, // foo = { \n bar = "baz" \n }
    implicit          = 4  // [x] defined by [x.y.z]. skip in serializer.

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const table_format f);
std::string to_string(const table_format);
  • multiline
    • Formats as a multiline normal table.
  • oneline
    • Formats as an inline table.
  • dotted
    • Formats in the form of a.b.c = "d".
  • multiline_oneline
    • Formats as a multiline inline table with line breaks. Available from TOML v1.1.0 onwards.
    • cf. spec.hpp
  • implicit
    • Skips implicit definitions like [x.y.z.w], leaving [x], [x.y], [x.y.z] as implicit.

According to TOML syntax, dotted table can have sub-tables:

apple.color = "red"
apple.taste.sweet = true

# []        # INVALID
# []  # INVALID
[]  # you can add sub-tables
smooth = true

toml11 currently does not support this format. Sub-tables under a dotted table would all be dotted, and tables are forced into inline table format.

table_format_info #

struct table_format_info
    table_format fmt = table_format::multiline;
    indent_char  indent_type    = indent_char::space;
    std::int32_t body_indent    = 0; // indent of values
    std::int32_t name_indent    = 0; // indent of [table]
    std::int32_t closing_indent = 0; // in case of {inline-table}

bool operator==(const table_format_info&, const table_format_info&) noexcept;
bool operator!=(const table_format_info&, const table_format_info&) noexcept;

Member Variables #

table_format fmt #

Specifies the formatting method.

indent_char indent_type #

Specifies the character used for indentation.

std::int32_t body_indent #

Specifies the width of indentation before keys.

The indentation width of the super table is not added.

std::int32_t name_indent #

Specifies the indentation of keys in [table] format.

The indentation width of the super table is not added.

std::int32_t closing_indent #

Specifies the indentation width before the closing brace } in the case of multiline_oneline.