
error_info.hpp #

In error_info.hpp, definitions for error_info and functions to format it are provided.

toml::error_info #

namespace toml
struct error_info
    error_info(std::string t, source_location l, std::string m, std::string s = "");
    error_info(std::string t, std::vector<std::pair<source_location, std::string>> l, std::string s = "");

    std::string const& title() const noexcept;
    std::string &      title()       noexcept;

    std::vector<std::pair<source_location, std::string>> const& locations() const noexcept;
    void add_locations(source_location loc, std::string msg) noexcept;

    std::string const& suffix() const noexcept;
    std::string &      suffix()       noexcept;

template<typename ... Ts>
error_info make_error_info(
    std::string title, source_location loc, std::string msg, Ts&& ... tail);

std::string format_error(const std::string& errkind, const error_info& err);
std::string format_error(const error_info& err);

template<typename ... Ts>
std::string format_error(std::string title,
                         source_location loc, std::string msg, Ts&& ... tail);

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const error_info& e);

Member Functions #

Constructor (title, loc, msg, suffix) #

Constructs error_info with specified title, location information loc, message msg, and optional suffix.

suffix defaults to empty.

Constructor (title, [{loc, msg}, ...], suffix) #

Constructs error_info with specified title, an array of location-message pairs [{loc, msg}, ...], and optional suffix.

suffix defaults to empty.

std::string title() #

Returns the title of the error message.

std::vector<std::pair<source_location, std::string>> locations() #

Returns the list of locations where errors occurred along with their respective messages.

Multiple locations can be specified.

std::string suffix() #

Returns the suffix message to display at the end, providing hints or additional information.

Non-Member Functions #

make_error_info #

template<typename ... Ts>
error_info make_error_info(
    std::string title, source_location loc, std::string msg, Ts&& ... tail);

Creates a new error_info.

Must be followed by a msg related to source_location or basic_value.

Overloads are added in value.hpp when passing toml::basic_value instead of source_location.

Possible to pass suffix at the end.

format_error #

Formats error_info as follows:

 --> {locations().at(0).first.file_name()}
 1 | {locations().at(0).first.line()}
   |         ^-- {locations().at(0).second}
 2 | {locations().at(1).first.line()}
   |         ^-- {locations().at(1).second}

If file names differ between two source_location, the file name is displayed again.

std::string format_error(const std::string& errkind, const error_info& err);
std::string format_error(const error_info& err);

Formats error_info.

If errkind is not provided, a red-bold [error] prefix is added before title.

If errkind is provided (including an empty string), it replaces [error].

namespace toml
template<typename ... Ts>
std::string format_error(std::string title,
                         source_location loc, std::string msg, Ts&& ... tail);
} // toml

Returns a formatted string using format_error for error_info created with make_error_info.

Overloads are added in value.hpp when passing toml::basic_value instead of source_location.

Stream Operator #

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const error_info& e);

Calls format_error(e) and outputs it.

Related #