
datetime.hpp #

Defines a class that stores date and time information used in TOML’s datetime.

enum class month_t #

Enum class to specify months.

Due to its relationship with std::tm, local_date treats January as 0. To avoid confusion, month_t allows specification of months by their names.

namespace toml
enum class month_t : std::uint8_t
    Jan =  0,
    Feb =  1,
    Mar =  2,
    Apr =  3,
    May =  4,
    Jun =  5,
    Jul =  6,
    Aug =  7,
    Sep =  8,
    Oct =  9,
    Nov = 10,
    Dec = 11

local_date #

local_date holds a date.

year represents the year in AD. For month, January is represented as 0 to align with std::tm. day holds the day of the month.

namespace toml
struct local_date
    std::int16_t year;
    std::uint8_t month;
    std::uint8_t day;

    local_date() = default;
    ~local_date() = default;
    local_date(local_date const&) = default;
    local_date(local_date&&)      = default;
    local_date& operator=(local_date const&) = default;
    local_date& operator=(local_date&&)      = default;

    local_date(int y, month_t m, int d);
    explicit local_date(const std::tm& t);
    explicit local_date(const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point& tp);
    explicit local_date(const std::time_t t);

    operator std::chrono::system_clock::time_point() const;
    operator std::time_t() const;

bool operator==(const local_date&, const local_date&);
bool operator!=(const local_date&, const local_date&);
bool operator< (const local_date&, const local_date&);
bool operator<=(const local_date&, const local_date&);
bool operator> (const local_date&, const local_date&);
bool operator>=(const local_date&, const local_date&);

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const local_date& date);
std::string to_string(const local_date& date);

Member Variables #

year #

std::int16_t year;

Represents the year in AD. There’s no offset. 2024 is simply 2024.

month #

std::uint8_t month;

Represents the month. To align with std::tm, January is 0, February is 1, and so on.

To avoid confusion, use month_t during construction.

day #

std::uint8_t day;

Represents the day of the month. The first day is 1.

Member Functions #

Constructor #

local_date() = default;

Uses the default implementation.

Destructor #

~local_date() = default;

Uses the default implementation.

Copy and Move Constructors #

local_date(local_date const&) = default;
local_date(local_date&&)      = default;

Uses the default implementations.

Copy and Move Assignment Operators #

local_date& operator=(local_date const&) = default;
local_date& operator=(local_date&&)      = default;

Uses the default implementations.

Constructor (int year, month_t month, int day) #

local_date(int y, month_t m, int d);

Constructs a local_date from the specified values.

Does not perform boundary checks.

Constructor (std::tm) #

local_date(const std::tm&);

Constructs a local_date from the specified std::tm value.

Constructor (std::chrono::system_clock::time_point) #

local_date(const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point&);

Constructs a local_date from the specified std::chrono::system_clock::time_point value.

Time zone is determined by the environment.

Constructor (std::time_t) #

local_date(const std::time_t);

Constructs a local_date from the specified std::time_t value.

Time zone is determined by the environment.

operator std::chrono::system_clock::time_point #

operator std::chrono::system_clock::time_point() const;

Converts to std::chrono::system_clock::time_point.

Time zone is determined by the environment.

Time is set to 0 hours and 0 minutes.

operator std::time_t #

operator std::time_t() const;

Converts to std::time_t.

Time zone is determined by the execution environment.

Time is set to 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Non-member Functions #

Comparison Operators #

bool operator==(const local_date&, const local_date&);
bool operator!=(const local_date&, const local_date&);
bool operator< (const local_date&, const local_date&);
bool operator<=(const local_date&, const local_date&);
bool operator> (const local_date&, const local_date&);
bool operator>=(const local_date&, const local_date&);

Compares two dates.

Stream Operators #

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const local_date& date);

Outputs in the default TOML format.

to_string #

std::string to_string(const local_date& date);

Converts to a string in the default TOML format.

local_time #

namespace toml
struct local_time
    std::uint8_t  hour;        // [0, 23]
    std::uint8_t  minute;      // [0, 59]
    std::uint8_t  second;      // [0, 60]
    std::uint16_t millisecond; // [0, 999]
    std::uint16_t microsecond; // [0, 999]
    std::uint16_t nanosecond;  // [0, 999]

    local_time(int h, int m, int s, int ms = 0, int us = 0, int ns = 0);

    explicit local_time(const std::tm& t);

    template<typename Rep, typename Period>
    explicit local_time(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& t);

    operator std::chrono::nanoseconds() const;

    local_time() = default;
    ~local_time() = default;
    local_time(local_time const&) = default;
    local_time(local_time&&)      = default;
    local_time& operator=(local_time const&) = default;
    local_time& operator=(local_time&&)      = default;

bool operator==(const local_time& lhs, const local_time& rhs);
bool operator!=(const local_time& lhs, const local_time& rhs);
bool operator< (const local_time& lhs, const local_time& rhs);
bool operator<=(const local_time& lhs, const local_time& rhs);
bool operator> (const local_time& lhs, const local_time& rhs);
bool operator>=(const local_time& lhs, const local_time& rhs);

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const local_time& time);
std::string to_string(const local_time& time);

Member Values #

hour #

std::uint8_t  hour;

Represents the hour. Values range from 0 to 23.

minute #

std::uint8_t  minute;      // [0, 59]

Represents the minute. Values range from 0 to 59.

second #

std::uint8_t  second;      // [0, 60]

Represents the second. Values range from 0 to 60.

millisecond #

std::uint16_t millisecond; // [0, 999]

Represents the millisecond. Values range from 0 to 999.

microsecond #

std::uint16_t microsecond; // [0, 999]

Represents the microsecond. Values range from 0 to 999.

nanosecond #

std::uint16_t nanosecond;  // [0, 999]

Represents the nanosecond. Values range from 0 to 999.

Member Functions #

default constructor #

local_time() = default;

Initializes all values to 0.

constructor (h, m, s, ms = 0, us = 0, ns = 0) #

local_time(int h, int m, int s, int ms = 0, int us = 0, int ns = 0);

Constructs using the specified time components.

No boundary checks are performed.

constructor(std::tm) #

explicit local_time(const std::tm& t);

Constructs using tm_hour, tm_min, and tm_sec from std::tm.

Subseconds are initialized to 0.

constructor(std::chrono::duration) #

template<typename Rep, typename Period>
explicit local_time(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& t);

Constructs as the time of day from 0 hours of the day specified by duration.

operator std::chrono::nanoseconds #

operator std::chrono::nanoseconds() const;

Converts to std::chrono::nanoseconds.

Non-member Functions #

Comparison Operators #

bool operator==(const local_time& lhs, const local_time& rhs);
bool operator!=(const local_time& lhs, const local_time& rhs);
bool operator< (const local_time& lhs, const local_time& rhs);
bool operator<=(const local_time& lhs, const local_time& rhs);
bool operator> (const local_time& lhs, const local_time& rhs);
bool operator>=(const local_time& lhs, const local_time& rhs);

Compares based on time values.

Stream Operator #

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const local_time& time);

Outputs in the default TOML format.

to_string #

std::string to_string(const local_time& time);

Converts to a string in the default TOML format.

time_offset #

namespace toml
struct time_offset
    std::int8_t hour{0};   // [-12, 12]
    std::int8_t minute{0}; // [-59, 59]

    time_offset(int h, int m);

    operator std::chrono::minutes() const;

    time_offset() = default;
    ~time_offset() = default;
    time_offset(time_offset const&) = default;
    time_offset(time_offset&&)      = default;
    time_offset& operator=(time_offset const&) = default;
    time_offset& operator=(time_offset&&)      = default;

bool operator==(const time_offset&, const time_offset&);
bool operator!=(const time_offset&, const time_offset&);
bool operator< (const time_offset&, const time_offset&);
bool operator<=(const time_offset&, const time_offset&);
bool operator> (const time_offset&, const time_offset&);
bool operator>=(const time_offset&, const time_offset&);

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const time_offset& offset);
std::string to_string(const time_offset& offset);

Member Variables #

hour #

std::int8_t hour{0};   // [-12, 12]

Represents the hour offset, ranging from -12 to +12.

minute #

std::int8_t minute{0}; // [-59, 59]

Represents the minute offset, ranging from -59 to +59.

Member Functions #

Constructor #

time_offset(int h, int m);

Constructs with given hours and minutes.

No boundary checking is performed.

operator std::chrono::minutes #

operator std::chrono::minutes() const;

Converts to std::chrono::minutes.

Non-member Functions #

Comparison Operators #

bool operator==(const time_offset&, const time_offset&);
bool operator!=(const time_offset&, const time_offset&);
bool operator< (const time_offset&, const time_offset&);
bool operator<=(const time_offset&, const time_offset&);
bool operator> (const time_offset&, const time_offset&);
bool operator>=(const time_offset&, const time_offset&);

Compares based on time length.

Stream Output Operator #

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const time_offset&);

Outputs in the default TOML format.

to_string #

std::string to_string(const time_offset&);

Converts to a string in the default TOML format.

local_datetime #

namespace toml
struct local_datetime
    local_date date;
    local_time time;

    local_datetime(local_date d, local_time t);

    explicit local_datetime(const std::tm& t);
    explicit local_datetime(const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point& tp);
    explicit local_datetime(const std::time_t t);

    operator std::chrono::system_clock::time_point() const;
    operator std::time_t() const;

    local_datetime() = default;
    ~local_datetime() = default;
    local_datetime(local_datetime const&) = default;
    local_datetime(local_datetime&&)      = default;
    local_datetime& operator=(local_datetime const&) = default;
    local_datetime& operator=(local_datetime&&)      = default;

bool operator==(const local_datetime&, const local_datetime&);
bool operator!=(const local_datetime&, const local_datetime&);
bool operator< (const local_datetime&, const local_datetime&);
bool operator<=(const local_datetime&, const local_datetime&);
bool operator> (const local_datetime&, const local_datetime&);
bool operator>=(const local_datetime&, const local_datetime&);

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const local_datetime& dt);
std::string to_string(const local_datetime& dt);

Member Variables #

local_date date #

local_date date;

Stores the date component data.

local_time time #

local_time time;

Stores the time component data.

Member Functions #

Default Constructor #

Constructs both date and time with default values.

Constructor (local_date, local_time) #

Constructs with the specified date and time.

Constructor (std::tm) #

Constructs from std::tm.

The timezone is selected based on the execution environment.

Constructor (std::chrono::system_clock::time_point) #

Constructs from std::chrono::system_clock::time_point.

The timezone is selected based on the execution environment.

Constructor (std::time_t) #

Constructs from std::time_t.

The timezone is selected based on the execution environment.

operator std::chrono::system_clock::time_point #

Converts to std::chrono::system_clock::time_point.

operator std::time_t #

Converts to std::time_t.

Non-member Functions #

Comparison Operators #

bool operator==(const local_datetime&, const local_datetime&);
bool operator!=(const local_datetime&, const local_datetime&);
bool operator< (const local_datetime&, const local_datetime&);
bool operator<=(const local_datetime&, const local_datetime&);
bool operator> (const local_datetime&, const local_datetime&);
bool operator>=(const local_datetime&, const local_datetime&);

Compares based on chronological order.

Stream Output Operator #

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const local_datetime&);

Outputs in the default TOML format.

to_string #

std::string to_string(const local_datetime&);

Converts to a string in the default TOML format.

offset_datetime #

namespace toml
struct offset_datetime
    local_date  date;
    local_time  time;
    time_offset offset;

    offset_datetime(local_date d, local_time t, time_offset o);
    offset_datetime(const local_datetime& dt, time_offset o);
    explicit offset_datetime(const local_datetime& ld);
    explicit offset_datetime(const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point& tp);
    explicit offset_datetime(const std::time_t& t);
    explicit offset_datetime(const std::tm& t);

    operator std::chrono::system_clock::time_point() const;
    operator std::time_t() const;

    offset_datetime() = default;
    ~offset_datetime() = default;
    offset_datetime(offset_datetime const&) = default;
    offset_datetime(offset_datetime&&)      = default;
    offset_datetime& operator=(offset_datetime const&) = default;
    offset_datetime& operator=(offset_datetime&&)      = default;

bool operator==(const offset_datetime&, const offset_datetime&);
bool operator!=(const offset_datetime&, const offset_datetime&);
bool operator< (const offset_datetime&, const offset_datetime&);
bool operator<=(const offset_datetime&, const offset_datetime&);
bool operator> (const offset_datetime&, const offset_datetime&);
bool operator>=(const offset_datetime&, const offset_datetime&);

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const offset_datetime& dt);
std::string to_string(const offset_datetime& dt);

Member Variables #

date #

local_date date;

Stores the date component.

time #

local_time time;

Stores the time component.

offset #

time_offset offset;

Stores the offset component.

Member Functions #

Default Constructor #

Constructs date, time, and offset with default values.

Constructor (local_date, local_time, time_offset) #

Constructs with the specified date, time, and offset.

Constructor (local_datetime, time_offset) #

Constructs from local_datetime and offset.

Constructor (std::tm) #

Constructs from std::tm.

The timezone is UTC (00:00).

Constructor (std::chrono::system_clock::time_point) #

Constructs from std::chrono::system_clock::time_point.

The timezone is UTC (00:00).

Constructor (std::time_t) #

Constructs from std::time_t.

The timezone is UTC (00:00).

operator std::chrono::system_clock::time_point #

Converts to std::chrono::system_clock::time_point.

The timezone is UTC (00:00).

operator std::time_t #

Converts to std::time_t.

The timezone is UTC (00:00).

Non-member Functions #

Comparison Operators #

bool operator==(const offset_datetime&, const offset_datetime&);
bool operator!=(const offset_datetime&, const offset_datetime&);
bool operator< (const offset_datetime&, const offset_datetime&);
bool operator<=(const offset_datetime&, const offset_datetime&);
bool operator> (const offset_datetime&, const offset_datetime&);
bool operator>=(const offset_datetime&, const offset_datetime&);

Compares based on chronological order.

If dates are the same, compares based on timezone order.

Stream Output Operator #

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const offset_datetime&);

Outputs in the default TOML format.

to_string #

std::string to_string(const offset_datetime&);

Converts to a string in the default TOML format.