
Reference #

Here, we explain the effects of the classes and functions provided by toml11.

Directory Structure #

toml.hpp and toml_fwd.hpp reside in ${TOML11_INCLUDE_DIR}. Other files are located in ${TOML11_INCLUDE_DIR}/toml11.

If you want to #include each feature’s file individually, use #include <toml11/color.hpp>. If you want to include all at once, use #include <toml.hpp>.

color.hpp #

Defines functions related to colorizing error messages.

comments.hpp #

Defines types preserve_comment and discard_comment for preserving comments.

conversion.hpp #

Defines macros to automatically convert toml::value and user-defined classes.

datetime.hpp #

Defines classes for datetime information.

error_info.hpp #

Defines a class for error information.

exception.hpp #

Defines the base class for exceptions used in toml11, toml::exception.

find.hpp #

Defines the toml::find function to search for and convert values.

format.hpp #

Defines classes for formatting information of values.

from.hpp #

Forward declaration of the from<T> type for converting user-defined types.

get.hpp #

Defines the toml::get<T> function to retrieve and convert values from toml::value.

into.hpp #

Forward declaration of the into<T> type for converting user-defined types.

literal.hpp #

Defines the operator"" _toml literal.

ordered_map.hpp #

Defines toml::ordered_map.

parser.hpp #

Defines functions to parse files or strings.

result.hpp #

Defines the result<T, E> type for representing success or failure values used as return types in other functions.

serializer.hpp #

Defines the toml::format function and toml::serializer used for serialization.

source_location.hpp #

Defines the source_location type used for error information, pointing to a location within a file.

spec.hpp #

Defines the toml::semantic_version and toml::spec types to control TOML language version information and feature flags.

toml.hpp #

toml.hpp includes all other headers, making all toml11 features available.

toml_fwd.hpp #

toml_fwd.hpp contains forward declarations of structs defined in toml11 and macro definitions.

types.hpp #

Defines the toml::type_config type for controlling the types held by toml::value.

value.hpp #

Defines the toml::value type.

value_t.hpp #

Defines the toml::value_t enumeration.

version.hpp #

Defines the version information for toml11.

visit.hpp #

Defines the toml::visit function to apply functions to the values held by toml::value.

Notes #

Functions not explicitly mentioned here (mostly those defined under namespace toml::detail or namespace toml::cxx) are available by inspecting the source code but are not guaranteed to maintain their interface across future versions (including patch version updates).