
Software Projects

See the list of repositories also.


Watch Star Fork

general purpose coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation package

language: C++11 + OpenMP

Mjolnir is a molecular dynamics simulation software focusing on coarse-grained simulation.

I am the original designer, implementer and owner of the project.

Some of the features are implemented by contributors.


Watch Star Fork

TOML for Modern C++

language: C++11, 14, 17

toml11 is a library to handle TOML file in a C++ code.

It has highly informative error message, powerful utility functions and is well-compliant to both TOML/C++ specification.

I am the original designer, implementer and owner of the project.

I got many bug fixes, improvements, suggestions from several contributors. Many thanks!


Watch Star Fork

An integrated software environment for multi-algorithm, multi-timescale, multi-spatial-representation simulation of various cellular phenomena.

language: C++98 -> C++11, Python 3

I am a part of the core developer team. I mainly develop and maintain the modules related to the Green’s Function Reaction Dynamics (GFRD) method.


language: Fortran90 + OpenMP

I am a part of the core developer team. I mainly develop and maintain the modules related to my own research. Also I found and fixed some of the concurrency bugs.