
Toru Niina's web site

Writing board game AI

Watch Star Fork Have you ever heard of a game called “SEPARO”? Probably not. It is a board game designed by my friend, Takashi Suwa, when he was a high school student. Some of his friends, including me, were interested in it and played it many times using a blackboard in a classroom. It is clearly a brilliant board game. Several weeks ago, I suddenly remembered and got the urge to play this game.

Accuracy of Rsqrt and Weird Shadows in Ray Tracing

Almost one and a half years ago, when I was learning Rust, I wrote a ray tracer based on the widely-known textbook “Ray tracing in one weekend”. The book is great and it only took me two days to write the ray tracer. And I found something a bit weird when I tried to optimize it. I’ve looked into the causes of that a while ago, but this time I’m going to take it a little further.

Building a website powered by Hugo and LoveIt

Installing Hugo and LoveIt Follow the official documentation. Note that required version of Hugo is relatively high. Changing Fonts While Unicode defines CJK Unified Ideographs, actually, the forms of Japanese Kanji are slightly different from those of the Chinese characters. So we need to change fonts to render Japanese Kanji in a proper way. We can override the variables defined in LoveIt via config/css/_override.scss. By overriding global-font-family, we can use fonts for Japanese letters.